Thursday, July 1, 2010


It's no secret that those of us living in developed countries are extremely lucky. This point certainly proves true when we look at drinking water. The water that we take for granted is very hard to come by in most countries. And India is no exception.

Drinking water in India simply isn't safe for consumption by foreigners used to clean water. The water purifying facilities that we are used to don't exist in India.

So how can you stay safe? There are many ways, actually.

If you are going to be in the wilderness, or somewhere where there will not be an abundance of stores, then I strongly suggest you to invest in water purifying tablets. You simply pop a tablet into your water, and it purifies it. It lives up to its name :)

The most common option is to simply buy bottled water. This is a very safe method, as long as the bottle you're purchasing has a seal on it. Otherwise, you have no way of knowing whether the shopkeeper simply found a used bottle on the street and filled it up with tap water. Ick. Well-known names include Bisleri, Kinsley, and Dasani.

However, if you're staying in a home, the best option is just to boil water. It kills virtually all germs in the water, and is free! A word of caution, however- those of you staying in the northern regions at high eleveations, remember that water boils at a lower temperature in higher elevations, so you might not kill all the germs by simply boiling and drinking. Keep the water boiling for at least 5 minutes.

BEFORE YOU GO: vaccinations & medications

Hello :)

Before you leave for India, it's important that you are vaccinated against any diseases that are preventable. Most American tourists need to be vaccinated against TYPHOID FEVER, HEPATITIS A, and have all of their other vaccinations up to date. If you plan on spending any time out in the wilderness, it's also suggested that you have a RABIES vaccine. Talk to your doctor about any others that you might need.

Schedule the vaccines *at least* 2 weeks before you go, but preferably earlier- your body needs time to build immunity.

One more thing you need to research is preventive malaria medication. Most places in India, with few exceptions (mostly areas in the north) have a "malaria problem", so travelers are urged to begin medication before their trip. The medication does not "prevent" malaria, but rather kill the malaria when it's still in its early stages.

Now, this topic might be a little disgusting, but it definitely needs to be addressed- make sure to pack an anti-diarrheal with you. No matter how careful you are about the water you drink, and the food you eat, you still are very likely to develop diarrhea during your stay in India. It's just the way it is.

an intro. of sorts.

Hello there :)

I'm a first-generation Indian-American that wants to share my knowledge of India to any of you tourists out there. Throughout our blogging experience together, I want to share with you guys tips, tricks, and plain knowledge that I've inherited over the years. So here's to us getting acquainted :)

As for the name- IndiaByIndia. Pathetic, I'm aware. It's supposed to mean "Indian by an Indian", but blogger wouldn't let me make it "by Indian". We can cope together :)